For LEGO methodological knowledge, teachers were also given a set

A solemn diploma and instrument were awarded in the LEGO experience room of the Eötvös Practising Primary School and Grammar School of Nyíregyháza on 21 February. The teachers of the institution have undergone and acquired new knowledge to learn how to use the LEGO Education method as well as the latest eye life for modern, digital, experience-based renewal of their teaching methods Mastered.
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Open day and LEGO® math at the School of Practice at nyíregyháza University.
2019. On 13 November 2013, an open day was held at the Eötvös József Eötvös School of Practice at nyíregyháza University. During the open day, the programs included the LEGO® of The English ® Of Dr. Molnár. In the presentation class recently delivered to LEGO® the lego® Education MoreToMath toolkit, prospective schoolchildren and their parents were able to see how to use the LEGO® Education MoreToMath toolkit in class.
National conference debuted at the University of Nyíregyháza – LEGO Innovation Studio
The University of Nyíregyháza – LEGO® Education Innovation Studio, in collaboration with the official Hungarian distributor of LEGO® Education, and the Szent Miklós Hellenic School of Elyselnita, Kindergarten and Primary Art School, professional exhibitor participated in the 21st century. National Public Education Expert Conference, Hajduszoboszlo, 2019. 5-7 November Between.
Continue reading “National conference debuted at the University of Nyíregyháza – LEGO Innovation Studio”NYE-LEIS at the National Public Education Expert Conference
The University of Nyíregyháza – LEGO® Education Innovation Studio, in collaboration with the official Hungarian distributor of LEGO® Education, participated as a professional exhibitor in the 21st century. National Public Education Expert Conference in Hajduszoboszlo.
Interested in public education could get more information about LEGO® Education education teacher training accredited by the University of Nyíregyháza, and specifically for public education and public education LEGO® Education thematic toolkits for the european union.
During the three-day event, the trainer of the LEGO® Education Innovation Studio at the University of Nyíregyháza, Mihály Szabó, held a workshop for kindergarten teachers on lego® Education methodology in kindergartens .