NYE-LEIS Online Competition – Awards

The award ceremony of the LEGO Education Innovation Studio of the University of Nyíregyháza, which closed in March, took place on 26 April 2021. In recent days, all participating schools have received their diplomas and deserved prizes and gifts.

The diploma of winner in his age group was received by their teacher Péter Pál Tári and Kornél Bajnay, member institution manager of the Petőfi Sándor Member Institution of Móra Ferenc Elementary School in Nyíregyháza.In the other first-place age group, The Eötvös József Practising Primary School of the University of Nyíregyháza, Piroska Takácsné Rajtik and the winning children of the 1st age group (3-4 years) personally received the prizes offered by LEGO Manufactuting Kft. and the University of Nyíregyháza and the plaque with the deserved director's praise dr. Director István Komáromi.

According to Mihály Szabó József, head of the LEGO Education Innovation Studio at the University of Nyíregyháza, there will be many more such opportunities for children this year to showcase their creativity. Further competitions can be found on the university's and the studio's website.

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(University of Nyíregyháza)