A solemn diploma and instrument were awarded in the LEGO experience room of the Eötvös Practising Primary School and Grammar School of Nyíregyháza on 21 February. The teachers of the institution have undergone and acquired new knowledge to learn how to use the LEGO Education method as well as the latest eye life for modern, digital, experience-based renewal of their teaching methods Mastered.
With the conclusion of the training, 28 teacher and teacher teacher Vassné Dr. habil. Erika Figula, rector of the University of Nyíregyháza, and Mihály Szabó József, LEGO Education Innovation Studio coordinator at the University of Nyíregyháza, received a certificate of appreciation.
The aim of the new training at the University of Nyíregyháza is to give teachers a conceive approach to digital education based on the educational tools developed by LEGO Education and the related modern methodology. experience-based renewal, regardless of the age group in which it is applied. – emphasized József Szabó Mihály.
In addition to the diplomas, the school received approximately one million HUF lego education kit, which is set in addition to helping the science studies of the lower-school ers, in addition to the robot programming of the seniors can also be used to develop the data. " at the event. According to Director István Komáromi, these kits help not only at the hourly work and in the retention of the disciplines, but also in the ability to develop pupils to a higher standard in the camps that start in the summer.
The LEGO Education Innovation Studio of the University of Nyíregyháza also offered teachers of the Eötvös Training School to provide teachers with full support in the field of asset use and methodology. " at the event.